

What’s going'on?

I went to a used clothing store Blue Valentine in Kasukabe City, Saitama Prefecture.
Speaking of Kasukabe, I missed it when I went to the place where I was taken care of a few years ago for the first time in 5 years. The memory of going out for a drink and dashing on the last train or not being in time revives.

There is a cool shop that you are not familiar with in a nostalgic town. Blue Valentine, a second-hand clothing store that was built just around the time the workplace was relocated, is a cozy shop where couples are standing at the storefront, and they also sell used clothing from 70's to 90's and new ones.

The selection of products, the atmosphere inside the store is a key point, and the atmosphere of the west coast, the tapestry of the Ivy League is displayed, and the mixed feeling is also spectacular and fun for me.
They look scary, but it's easy to talk to, so please come and visit us. It was a fun time to have a common acquaintance, such as living, and to tell me about a good second-hand clothing store nearby.
I will go again!

埼玉県春日部市の古着屋さんBlue Valentineに行ってきました。

懐かしい町に見慣れないカッコ良いお店が。ちょうど職場が移転した頃に出来た古着屋Blue Valentineは夫婦で店頭に立っているアットホームなお店で70’s〜90’sの古着と新品も取り扱っている。


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