
Antique Style アンスタ

What's going on?

If you like antiques and vintages, what is the attraction? I also like old things, so in my opinion, the goodness of being worn out and the design of that era are two major attractions. The unique design includes stains, scratches, fading, denim whiskers, beehives, and atari that are not found in new products. The other is a unique design because productivity is worse than it is now. There is also the charm of rare value, such as how to make it that is not done now, and things that can not be done due to the lack of machines and craftsmen for that purpose.

I talked about pillows seriously, but I'm the editor-in-chief of Style Blog Tawamure, so don't forget to thank my ancestors for their deep love for vintage.

Antique Style

I took a picture of an antique shop in Takasaki, Gunma, opening at Hilltop Antique Market. A store that sells a lot of American character goods such as Disney, Snoopy, and Warner Brothers.

Above all, it was impressive that the old can was in the vintage trunk. Vintage items such as fonts and colors represent the era and are a good accent to add to the trends of the time.

And the picture-perfect Mason jar of Ball. There was a time when it became a trend, but it was a practical and good-looking bottle that was not swept away by the trend of Made in USA.

Ball's Mason jar, which was originally developed in 1880 as a storage container using glass that can withstand boiling, has excellent sealing power. It is recommended to use vintage items for storage, such as inserting buttons or scraps. Also, the ages are divided by the logo, and the one in the photo is probably from 1923 to 1933.

If you find it next time, let's buy it...

What's going on?

Antique Style アンスタ
群馬の高崎にあるアンティークショップがHilltop Antique Marketに出店しているところ写真を撮らせて頂きました。Disney、Snoopy、WarnerBrothersなどアメリカのキャラクター物のグッズを数多く取り扱っているお店。


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